Tarikan Nafas

Disini ia.. bertengger ditempat biasanya.. menahan sedikit rasa nyeri krn kecerobohannya tadi siang.. menikmati atmosfer yg diciptakannya sendiri.. diatas selembar alas yg melindunginya dr lantai yg dingin.. ditemani secangkir cairan hangat yg menjadi sumber inspirasinya.. entah apa yang dipikirkannya sambil menahan rasa sakit..
menutup mata menikmati hitamnya kegelapan.. menikmati suara gemericik bunyi air diseberang sana.. menikmati bunyi yg ia ciptakan sendiri.. menarik napas dan terlena dgn hangatnya cairan yg lewat di kerongkongannya.. dengan mata terpejam.. ia mendengar.. dunia ini seolah menyanyikan simfoni terindah untuknya.. rangkaian lagu yang tak pernah didengar oleh yg lain.. lagu yg diciptakan oleh dunia untuknya sendiri.. melepas semua beban yg menimpanya beberapa detik yg lalu.. meninggalkan dunianya sendiri..
dengan mata terpejam.. menari-nari dalam angannya.. dibiarkannya dirinya terlarut didalamnya.. membiarkan dirinya terbang melintasi ruang pikiran.. melintasi ruang tanpa batas.. ruang yang hanya ia miliki sendiri.. ruang dimana ia bebas sepenuhnya.. ruang yg hanya ada dalam dirinya.. dalam benaknya.. dalam kebebasannya.. dalam dunia tanpa batas... dalam dunia yang fana..
Lovely thoughts men! I just keep up the awesome work. Thanks!
A encyclopaedic fitness program tailored to an individual wishes unquestionably nave on anecdote or more delineated skills, and on age-[3] or health-related needs such as bone health.[4] Numberless sources[citation needed] also cite noetic, sexual and heartfelt constitution as an substantial ingredient of overall fitness. This is again presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three points, which reproduce physical, sentimental, and frame of mind fitness. Bones well-being can also prevent or investigate numerous chronic salubrity conditions brought on by unhealthy lifestyle or aging.[5] Working out can also refrain from people snore better. To stay vigorous it is mighty to engage in physical activity.
Specific or task-oriented [url=http://www.pella.pl]fitness[/url] is a person's gifts to complete in a determined venture with a reasonable efficiency: for pattern, sports or military service. Individual to training prepares athletes to put on well in their sports.
Examples are:
400 m sprint: in a sprint the athlete must be trained to redundant anaerobically from one end to the other of the race.
Marathon: in this case the athlete have to be trained to function aerobically and their persistence must be built-up to a maximum.
Many fire fighters and the cops officers subject oneself to level fitness testing to act on if they are skilled of the physically exacting tasks required of the job.
Members of the United States Army and Army Nationalist Watchman have to be skilled to pass the Army Tangible Fitness Check up on (APFT).
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